Promote Access and Inclusion

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With our unplanned move to remote and online teaching, it's as important as ever to ensure our students have the tools they need to be successful. 

by Nicole Schneider 

In the rush to convert in person classes to remote learning, it is our duty as educators to also consider the accessibility hurdles that a remote format may present to students with disabilities. The online format can be difficult to navigate for students who may have both physical disabilities (migraines, seizures, impaired hearing/vision, etc), but may also be difficult to navigate for students with non-physical disabilities (ADD/ADHD, anxiety especially in a time of such uncertainty, depression, etc.).

Some resources faculty and teachers may find helpful in the switch:
A few takeaways:
  1. Educational institutions are obligated to ensure that students still receive their accommodations. Extra time can be added for students in the background of Canvas, Proctorio, ExamSoft, and most learning management systems. If you're a Canvas user and are unsure how to add on extra times, here is a pretty good resource for adding it to Canvas.
  2. Not everyone thrives in a remote environment, be flexible and available to help students navigate the transition. 
  3. Be clear on deadlines and changes to the course and generous with due date reminders, this will help students who may have difficulties focusing to keep a consistent schedule.
  4. If you notice a student is struggling or notice a significant change, reach out to the student and offer support. If you have staff at your institution who can help support students with disabilities, be sure to engage them and get them involved in helping students succeed.

Once you're up and running in an online format, student accommodations may need to be reviewed and changed as students begin to navigate their remote classes.

Nicole Schneider is the Director of Accommodation and Inclusion at the University of Findlay. She earned a Master of Education in Higher Ed Administration and Student Personnel from Kent State University and has worked in student affairs for 9 years.


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